I also wanted to make a game that was objectively better than StarDrive 1. I was once that kid and I wanted to give that experience to the next generation. To hear stories of kids in that 10 to 12 age range losing themselves in my galaxy - that's what this was all about in the first place. I aimed to bring Master of Orion 2 into the modern age and I think in that regard the game was a huge success. Overall I'm pleased with the design of StarDrive 2. Before outlining what's coming up in 2016, let's take a few minutes to look back on 2015 and talk about how we did with StarDrive 2. With StarDrive 2 launched out the door in April, a whole new set of players joined us to explore, expand, exploit, and exterminate throughout the galaxy.

This past year was a great year for Zero Sum Games.