A filled one may be found in Shroud Hearth Barrow not far from the entrance to Shroud Hearth Depths to the right of the apprentice locked door with a gold ingot stashed within. It is across a broken bridge, in a small alcove that requires Whirlwind Sprint to reach.

There may be a filled one at the end of Shroud Hearth Depths. There may be a filled black soul gem in a chest in Serpent's Bluff Redoubt. The Dragonborn is given three random soul gems as a reward, any of which could be a black soul gem. It is also possible to get black soul gems from Gulum-Ei at the end of "Scoundrel's Folly," a Thieves Guild quest. It is on the lower shelf at the very back of the shrine, to the left of the main chest. After completing Pieces of the Past, a black soul gem respawns every week in the Shrine of Mehrunes Dagon. Another one may be found atop Dead Crone Rock, on top of a platform in the tower (requires Unrelenting Force or Whirlwind Sprint). There is one in Broken Fang Cave, in the master vampire's chamber, and another at the Shrine of Talos. One can be found at the bottom of the pond at Steepfall Burrow, near the chest. There is also one near the chest at the end of Geirmund's Hall, in the room just past Geirmund's corpse, after the final boss. There is a black soul gem in the Cracked Tusk Keep vault, to the right of the entrance, behind some iron bars. In Windhelm, black soul gems can be found inside the hidden room in Hjerim after buying the arcane enchanter. Many of the gems listed here may spawn as other Soul Gem types-usually Grand or Greater it depends on character level.

Black soul gems in Skyrim are much more common than they were in Oblivion. The Lightning Attractor cannot be activated a second time. With Dawnguard, they can also now be made from Grand and greater soul gems by activating the Lightning Attractor in the Soul Cairn. Black soul gems can also be obtained by mining geode veins, found only in Blackreach.

Each gem is priced at about 1300 GoldIcon.png. They are also available for purchase from Enthir, a mage of the College of Winterhold, as well as from Falion in Morthal.

Additionally, magic anomalies drop black soul gems filled with grand souls. Black soul gems can be found randomly in chests, on tables in caves, and also appear as random loot on necromancers, giants, hagravens, Forsworn Briarhearts, and very rarely, draugr.